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  • Androcur
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Buy Androcur - cyproterone - 50mg - 60 Tablets Androcur cyproterone Generic United Kingdom 50mg 60 Tablets DR $107.22 Add
Buy Androcur - cyproterone - 100mg - 84 Tablets Androcur cyproterone Generic United Kingdom 100mg 84 Tablets DR $266.70 Add
Buy Androcur - cyproterone - 50mg - 180 Tablets Androcur cyproterone Generic United Kingdom 50mg 180 Tablets DR $321.65 Add
Buy Diane - cyproterone/ethinyl estradiol - 2mg/0.035mg - 21 Tablets Androcur/​Diane cyproterone/ethinyl estradiol Brand India 2mg/0.035mg 21 Tablets DR $29.99 Add
Buy Diane - cyproterone/ethinyl estradiol - 2mg/0.035mg - 63 Tablets Androcur/​Diane cyproterone/ethinyl estradiol Brand India 2mg/0.035mg 63 Tablets DR $69.99 Add
Buy Androcur - cyproterone - 50mg - 50 Tablets Androcur cyproterone Generic New Zealand 50mg 50 Tablets RX $107.22 Add
Buy Androcur - cyproterone - 100mg - 50 Tablets Androcur cyproterone Generic New Zealand 100mg 50 Tablets RX $187.63 Add

Medicines have benefits and some have risks. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist or you have side effects see your health professional. Brands and generics both contain the same active ingredient(s) and are medically equivalent. Some brands are marketed under different names by the same manufacturer depending on the country of origin. Images are provided as a reference only, the received medicine may vary in packaging, color, pill shape, etc, from one batch to the next. For an item marked "generic" any quality brand may be sent, however you will always receive the active ingredients ordered in the strength(s) ordered.

Androcur (cyproterone) is an antiandrogen, meaning it reduces levels of androgen hormones in the body. It does this in two ways; it binds with androgen receptors, denying androgen a chance to do so, and it inhibits production of androgen in the testicles. The medication also activates progesterone receptors, which are responsible for the pregnancy and menstruation cycles.

It is men who most often buy Androcur, as a treatment for prostate cancer. The medication can also reduce hypersexuality or deviant sexual behavior, and it can be helpful in men who desire to lose their male characteristics and gain female characteristics.

Women may also buy Androcur as part of hormonal birth control, or, less commonly, as part of hormone replacement therapy.

Both genders buy Androcur to treat hyperandrogenism, in which the body produces too much androgen hormone. This condition can cause a range of unpleasant symptoms:

  • Excess facial or body hair
  • Excess weight around the abdomen
  • Irregular periods
  • Acne or oily skin
  • Thinning scalp hair
  • Pigmented areas of the skin
  • Deep voice
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol

Finally, Androcur can be used to delay early-onset puberty. This is a rare condition and one in which doctors will need to take into account a number of personal variables; a doctor will need to determine dosage and duration of treatment. In other cases, Androcur should not be used by younger patients; it can cause damage to still-developing bodies.

Treating Prostate Cancer

The majority of people buy Androcur to treat prostate cancer. Prostate cancer very often "feeds" off of androgen, which gives the cancer fuel to thrive and grow. Androcur denies the cancer this fuel, causing it to slow, stop, or possibly even reverse its growth.

To treat prostate cancer in men with testicles intact:

  • Take 200 to 300 mg per day, divided into two or three doses.
  • Doses should be taken following a meal.

In men who have had testicles removed:

  • Take 100 to 200 mg per day, divided into two or three doses.
  • Doses should be taken following a meal.

Treatment is usually long-term, spanning years. Treatment can continue for as long as it provides benefit.

Other Uses

Other uses of Androcur are more varied in dosage and duration of treatment. Seeking advice from a doctor is highly advisable. The following are rough guidelines:

To alleviate hypersexuality or deviant sexual behaviors:

  • Start with 50 mg taken two or three times per day. Dosage can be increased to 100 mg if needed.
  • Dosage may be significantly decreased after a few weeks at higher doses.

For hormonal birth control or hormone replacement with an intact uterus:

  • Day 1 of the cycle is the first day of bleeding. Women who don't menstruate can start any day.
  • Starting on day 1, take 50 to 100 mg once per day.
  • Continue treatment for 10 days.
  • Resume treatment on day 1 of the next cycle in 20 days.

Women who have had a hysterectomy:

  • Take 25 to 50 mg once per day for 21 days.
  • Stop taking Androcur for 7 days, then repeat treatment.

And finally, treating hyperandrogenism. Treatment will depend on how severe the condition is, and also depend on whether the patient is male or female. Note that hyperandrogenism is not the only possible cause for very similar symptoms; patients should have the condition diagnosed before starting treatment. In general, treatment consists of:

  • Take 25 to 50 mg once per day.
  • Treatment may go up to 200 mg per day, though this is rare.

Treatment in all cases can continue for as long as it provides benefit.

Buy Androcur Hassle-Free at Kiwi Drug

Kiwi Drug is New Zealand's oldest and most-trusted online pharmacy. We're subject to the same regulatory compliance as our real-world counterparts, and backed by an international network of brick & mortar pharmacies to ensure your medications are authentic. Our world-class customer care and expedited ordering system ensures the purchasing process is discreet, fast, and hassle-free from any location.

As it's a potent medication, clients will need a prescription to buy Androcur. If you don't have one, our online doctor may be able to issue one to qualifying patients---simply begin the checkout process and answer the questions on the following screen. There is no additional charge for our online doctor services.

Those who already have a prescription to buy Androcur will be provided with options to transfer it to us after completing checkout.

We're always standing by to help if you have any questions or need a hand with your order!

Mike c


Androcur is great, I am no longer distracted by fantasies and aggravating morning erections. I am more patient and relaxed. I started at 150 mg/day, but may need to increase my dosage to get a more co...mplete elimination of sex drive.

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